Here is how to do it:
1. Get the application here
2. Input the number of similar games to take into account (5), number of games to check (31) and the package of the first game.
3. Press the red button
4. The app will start working, informing you in the upper console
5. When the work is completed, a text file in your Documents directory will be created. Its name is GPgraph-<package>-<similars>-<steps>.txt
6. In case is the .txt file was not created, its data will be copied to your clipboard. Create a txt file on your own.
7. Submit it here by pressing "Choose File" button.
Additional possibilities:
- you can start from any page with links to Google Play games
- you can press the blue button and load the previous results to continue your research
Reminder. Our country, Ukraine, is under violent military aggression from Russia since 24th Feb 2022. As I'm writing this post it's 96 days already. Even if you count 1, 2, 3, ..., 94, 95, 96 this will take you a while. And in reality every count mans murder and destruction caused by Russian nazies.
Plese, support our country in its defense. Feel free to use official platform United24: https://u24.gov.ua/ You can direct funds towards Defense and demining, Medical aid or Rebuilding.
If you found it useful, feel free to check Airapport Games on Google Play. I hope you'll like them :)