Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RSD7285
AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/engineer-millionaire/id1437172358
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.airapport.engineer
To beta testers' attention
I'm really thankful to all the beta testers, who played the game since its earliest versions, gave valuable suggestions and helped to fix the bugs or translate the texts. You posted many good words in your reviews, which helped me go on.It appears that it was only me who saw your wonderful reviews. Google Play hides beta testers' reviews from the other players. Now, as the game is released, I'd be happy if you made a public review. Here I explain how a beta tester can leave a visible review. You will help a lot!
Other steampunk idle games updated
Simultaneously with the Engineer Millionaire's release, we updated Steampunk Idle Spinner and 20 000 Cogs under the Sea. They've got characters and new, much more convenient and informative, upgrade interface.You are welcome to check the updates and share your impressions and suggestions.
Steampunk Idle Spinner: Amazon; AppStore; GooglePlay
20 000 Cogs under the Sea: Amazon; AppStore; GooglePlay