CODE EOU3IKB: Money multiplied x10 for the world Farm and Mine! CODE EOHXXES: Time forward 2hour 0m for the world Farm and Mine! CODE EABNEZL: Time forward 1hour 0m for the world Babel Tower CODE EO6KX3P: Resources Multiplied: planks x20 for the world Babel Tower CODE WTKUE1Y Advance time by 1 hour World: Transmutation CODE I6JI67 Duplicate money World: Workshop CODE W9X3 Time 12h forward World: Clockwork city CODE WOG8IUG Time 1h forward World: Floating islands CODE WOG8NRM Free Coin Producer World: Assembly line CODE H2MYWS Time 1h forward World: Underwater CODE E8H1 Money 3 times the current World: Good Old Spinner
Friends, we want to remind you that the war of terrorussians against Ukraine is going on. Today during the workday I had to get into the bomb shelter twice, together with the students. Then it was another air raid siren in the evening, and right now, at night, a new air raid siren has just started. We are very thankful for your support, and, please, keep it. I'd like to show you a volunteer's fund It is run by game developers from Kharkiv who I know personally. Please, support Ukraine and Ukrainian people. You can literally save lives.